Darts in the Dark

Lacey Reddix: Founder and CEO of Olokun Minerals

Produced by Serotonin Creative Consultancy

As water demand increases and sea levels rise, desalination becomes a more sought-after solution to provide clean water to coastal communities, Less than 2% of the earth’s water is fresh water and accessible for us to use. Current clean water demand is already high and continues to increase, while freshwater sources are dwindling. 

The process of desalination increases our water supply by converting seawater to fresh water, but it produces a saline solution, called brine, three times saltier than the ocean threatens sea life, and can contribute to more carbon emissions.  Key minerals used to expand agriculture and industry exist in those brine waste streams but are currently being under-utilized and thrown back into the ocean.

Our guest for this episode is Lacey Reddix and her company Olokun Minerals seeks to solve global clean water security by sustainably harvesting those ocean minerals from desalination brine to create a renewable source of power and provide key compounds for the supply chains of the future.

Olokun Minerals:

Lacey Reddix:

Topics we covered
[:50] What Olokun Minerals has been up to
[3:05] What are the sources of water?
[5:10] Meaning of Olokun
[7:10] Lacey’s background and path to founding the company
[12:20] The Urban Future Lab prize
[13:50] Business Resources
[15:11] Who are their customers?
[17:33] Work-life balance
[18:15] Personal Branding (SERO)
[20:34] Shifting the narrative on climate
[23:20] Looking ahead to the future

Please reach out to us via email for feedback, suggestions for future topics, or guest recommendations. hello@serotonincreative.com

Darts in the Dark Host:
Casey Hogue is the Founder and Executive Creative Director of Serotonin Creative Consultancy. Serotonin is a Creative Brand-Building, Content Creation, and Social Impact Consultancy that builds and amplifies the impact of purpose-driven brands and organizations in the public and private sectors.

Connect with Casey:

Darts in the Dark is produced by Serotonin Creative Consultancy
2024 all rights reserved

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